CFOG's PIP, August 1989, Volume 8 No. 3, Whole No. 71, page 22

Antelope Freeway Now Two Systems

To encourage MS-DOS users to make greater use of the Antelope Freeway Remote Access System our esteemed sysop, Carson Wilson, has turned the system into what amounts to two completely separate remote systems, one for CP/M users, and one for MS-DOS users. While Carson can't force users to limit the subjects of messages on the separate systems to strictly 'DOS or strictly CP/M conversation, the separation is real. When you log on you are asked which side you want to be on and messages and software from one side are not seen by the other.

On the other hand, for those who are ambisystemous, or who would rather switch than fight, the two Antelopes offer the option at the system level to "switch" to the other side. If you haven't tried the Antelope Freeway Remote Access Systems, give them a whirl!