CFOG's PIP, October 1987, Volume 5 No. 12, Whole No. 60, page 8

CFOG Board Meeting, October 1987

Plans are afoot to move our meeting place to the Elmwood Park Public Library. Proposed dates -- January 31, February 28, March 27, April 24, May 22, June 26, July 31, August 28, September 25, October 30, November 20 and December 18 -- were reviewed and approved. This will save us the high cost of room rental at Triton as there will be no charge at the library.

Mail order disk copying will be reinstituted. Ben Cohen and Jon Shimberg will do the copying for the CP/M library. This will be done at the downtown meeting each month. Steve Lucius will do it for the MS-DOS library as it grows. Fees for copying will be paid to CFOG and will be $1 per disk plus $1 per order. For the CP/M library a "disk" will be the two logical disks that we have on one physical disk.

Starting in November, the downtown SIG will be changed to the second Thursday of the month.

In order to cut postage expense we will consider sending out eight issues of PIP with about the same aggregate number of pages. Members comments on this idea are solicited.

With declining membership we need to have better control over our finances. To encourage early payment of dues the annual rate will be changed to $24 but those who pay by January 31 will be given a $4 early payment reduction. For new members the former charge for the new member disk will be dropped. It will be given or mailed free of charge. Dues for new members will be pro-rated quarterly: $24 in the first quarter, and $18 in the second quarter. Those joining after the middle of the year will pay pro-rated dues plus the next year's dues at the early renewal rate of $20: $32 when joining in the third quarter, $26 when joining in the fourth quarter. Members renewing late must pay the full year's dues.

We will be acquiring fully licensed direct copies of the Metal Message System for both RCPMs.

The Board authorized Mike Andrews to spend up to $100 for a subscription to PC Pursuit, a computer long distance service that gives unlimited evening and night modem calls for a flat monthly rate of $25. Mike will use this to obtain public domain software from systems around the country.

The next board meeting is scheduled for November 19 with the business meeting to begin at 7:00 p.m. Board meetings are held at 55 West Monroe Street, Suite 2400. Members are invited to attend.