CFOG's PIP, October 1986, Volume 4 No. 12, Whole No. 48, page 10

Editor's Message

One of the things I had hoped to do before this date was to catch up with the calendar. Here it is mid-November, and I'm just finishing off the October issue of PIP. I hope to get the December issue in the mail in December. A few contributions from members would help.

By the time you get this the November board meeting will have elected a successor to take the place of Tom Ferguson, who until his recent resignation, had been the only Treasurer CFOG has ever had. We owe a great debt of gratitude to Tom, not only for the work that he has done, but for the no-nonsense fiscal attitude that has gotten us to this point without the financial woes that our West Coast brethren in FOG have suffered. His guidance will be missed. Thanks, Tom.