CFOG's PIP, January 1986, Volume 4 No. 3, Whole No. 39, page 2



Well, PIP fans, I can't blame the tardiness of the January PIP on a paucity of articles, THIS TIME. (That most of them are by only two people is a mere quibble...) Unfortunately, the last two months have been extremely busy here at the palatial PIP processing place. My brother had the effrontery to have a heart attack and ruin a pair of weekends that were to be devoted to PIP. Fortunately, he survived, so I can now hold this over him for the rest of his life (or mine, whichever is shorter). After that, the wife got very ill (yes, we're still together after a whole four months!) and had to be cared for. That's OK, because before that, I got ill and had to be cared for. But (as they say on those TV commercials) THAT'S NOT ALL!!.

I will soon have a hobby perhaps even more engrossing than PIP. We are in the process of purchasing a house. So, life has been a veritable whirlwind of house shopping, inspecting, loan arranging, moving and attempted condo in the Wrigley Field area selling. Now that I think of it, anyone out there interested in a nice, two bedroom condo a block south of Addison and a few houses east of Halsted? Know anyone interested? Give me a call! I won't be going through a broker, so I can sell it a bit cheaper than if I were.

As you can see, I have not exhorted you here to submit articles to PIP. For that, see the hidden message in another article. And, please DO write! ... Ed.