CFOG's PIP, August 1989, Volume 8 No. 3, Whole No. 71, page 21
CFOG September Meeting Features Prodigy
Date: September 17, 1989 Place: Skokie Publlc Library,
5215 Oakton StreetTime: Opening 1:00 p.m.
Program 1:30 p.m.Topic: Prodigy On-Line Service
Prodigy is an interactive on-line service brought to you by Sears and IBM. You must have Prodigy's custom software on your IBM compatible computer (versions for Apple II and Macintosh will be available later). Prodigy is here in Chicago now. If you show up at CFOGs September 17th meeting you can get the Prodigy software free plus a month's free usage! We won't be able to have a live demonstration because we can't get a phone line at the Library, but there will be a 'canned demo' and an explanation of the Prodigy system, the benefits that Prodigy thinks you'll get when you join the system, and what it will cost you when your free month is up. Note that Prodigy has no metered charge, and includes such interactive services as banking.
If you want to try Prodigy and can't get to the meeting call 1-800-822-6922 extension 585, and ask for the free Prodigy Kit, mentioning CFOG. This offer expires September 30th, so act promptly.
CFOG's PIP, August 1989, Volume 8 No. 3, Whole No. 71, page 21
Schedule of CFOG Sunday Meetings
The balance of CFOG's tall schedule of Sunday meetings is:
October 22
November 19
December 17
These meetings are scheduled for the Skokie Public Library, 5215 West Oakton Street, Skokie, to start at about 1:00 p.m. The formal meeting will start about 1:30 p.m. Meetings end no later than the 5:00 p.m. closing time of the Library.
We had hoped to get you this information (and this issue of PIP a bit earlier, but the Library only very recently gave us the information.
CFOG's PIP, August 1989, Volume 8 No. 3, Whole No. 71, page 21
PIP Schedule
I've promised you six issues of PIP this year and here it is the end of August and this is only the third issue. I was hoping to get this out earlier (most of it has been ready for weeks), but I wanted to get you the fall schedule of meeting dates. I still hope to get you six issues before the year is out. It wouldn't hurt if a few articles turned up in then post office box or on our remote access system.
CFOG's PIP, August 1989, Volume 8 No. 3, Whole No. 71, page 21
CFOG Downtown Meetings: September Features Prodigy, New Procedure, Fall Schedule
The September Downtown Pizza Eating SIG meeting of CFOG has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 20th, so that we can have a presentation from Prodigy. We do have a 'phone line downtown, so we'll have Prodigy on-line, "live". Pizza will be served, as usual, but Prodigy is picking up the bill.
Because of the limited space we have downtown, we MUST have a reservation for this meeting if you intend to come. Please leave a message on the answering machine at 726-3569.
The number of telephone calls about CFOG's Downtown Meetings has been underwhelming to say the least. Nevertheless, they do provide (a) a good place to snare new members, (b) a time when folks who find Sundays unbearable can get to a meeting, and (c) a location that's more accessible (at least for some folks) than the Skokie Library. Therefore, I am determined for at least a little while to continue the process.
The following schedule of meetings is hereby established:
Thursday October 12
Thursday November 9
Thursday December 14
As mentioned in the May issue of PIP, these meetings will only be held if and only if by noon of the day preceeding the meeting at least two people have called and left messages on our answering machine [312-726-3569] to say they are definitely coming. At or about that time a message will be put on the answering machine stating whether the meeting will be held. (This does not apply to the special September date, which is firm, but as stated above, you do need to reserve for the September meeting.)
If any member would like the meeting day or date changed, this will be done on request. Leave a message on the answering machine or call Ben Cohen [look on the second page of this or any issue of PIP for telephone numbers] to make your request. [No reasonable proposal will be turned down.] Therefore, always check the answering machine message for the latest confirmed meeting date.
CFOG's PIP, August 1989, Volume 8 No. 3, Whole No. 71, page 21
Wheelchair Access
Please note that both of our meeting places have easy access for wheelchairs.