CFOG's PIP, November 1989, Volume 8 No. 4, Whole No. 72, page 38

WordStar Notes

by Benjamin H. Cohen

An occasional gem of a comparison between Word Perfect and WordStar comes to my attention. For example, WP users seem to be astounded at WordStar's ability to put a non-printing note right in the middle of the file. I do it all the time. Clients or opposing counsel call up with requests that I add something to or change a draft contract I load up ZDE (well, we usually print with WordStar or NewWord) find the spot, hit ^N to insert a line (or several) enter three dots to make a note (I use Magic Series, too, which uses double dot commands, so I always use three dots for notes since two would be a command to Magic if we print the file with Magic), and start making notes on what the requested changes were. Then I make the changes while I'm on the phone, if they are short, or I wait until later to do the real work.

Depending on the situation, I may make a copy of the old paragraph and note it out, then make the changes so that the old and new are in the same file for ready comparison. If appropriate I may make a marked copy -- one showing the additions underscored and the deletions with strike-outs. Then a copy of that paragraph will be made into a note. In either event, when someone calls me I have a complete history of the revisions right in the file, including who asked for what revision when.

When I do change word processing software I'll want to be able to continue to do the same kind of thing.