CFOG's PIP, February 1988, Volume 7 No. 1, Whole No. 63, page 6

More VDE News!

I know, I know, you've heard it before: "There's another version of VDE out." Of course, nowadays that really means two new versions, one for MS-DOS and one for CP/M. Don't expect as many new CP/M versions as in the past. VDE 1.1 for MS-DOS users most notably adds the ability to edit multiple files at one time.

From my point of view the most significant change in VDE Version 2.63 for CP/M useres is the change to make ^QA, the search and replace function, start automatically at the top of the file. Despite indications that other useful changes had been made, I promptly crossed this version off my list: often I want my search and replace to begin at the cursor, not jump to the top of the file. There my be seventeen occurences of the string I want to replace that are ahead of the cursor. Maybe I don't want to replace any of them. And I don't want to answer 'N' seventeen times before getting to the point of real start. Eric tried out this new 2400 bps modem recently by logging onto CFOG II. Leave him a message if you don't like ^QA to start at the top of the file!

There are some files in our library with patch points and hints for creating macros for use with VDE. The macros will work with the MS-DOS version, too. The patch points are for the CP/M version and enable you to make it even more like WordStar.