CFOG's PIP, November 1987, Volume 6 No. 1, Whole No. 61, page 7

Goodbye, Mark, and Many Thanks!

by Kevin P. Murphy

In the August issue of PIP, it was mentioned that Mark Witt was going out of business. It was a brief statement and, like many such things, it took a while for the statement to register fully on me. I realized that I couldn't let the event pass without a personal comment.

Since the collapse of Osborne Computer Corporation, Mark Witt kept my Osborne 1 in fine operating condition, at a fair price, and with the fastest turn-around a person might reasonably expect. As others have commented in FOGHORN and, I believe in PIP, too, Mark has shown the kind of integrity that most businesses like to claim, and too few can validly claim. I believe that the business community could benefit a great deal by following the example set by an admirable entrepreneur.

I don't know what business ventures Mark will undertake in the future, but I wish him the best of fortune, and I'm sure many others share that sentiment.

Thank you, Mark.