CFOG's PIP, September 1987, Volume 5 No. 11, Whole No. 59, page 11

WS4 Bug Report and Fix Morrow Terminal Display

[The following was found on the Sun Valley RTDS, a remote TurboDOS system for CP/M 2.2 useres with two lines, 312-983-8929 and 312-938-0600. The article is anonymous. -- bhc]

It was disappointing to finally receive my order of Wordstar 4.0 CP/M and find out the installation option for the Morrow MT60/MT70 terminal produced a bad display. The display on Newword 2.17 was excellent. Underlined was underlined on screen, bold was bright text and marked blocks were highlighted in reverse video. I took the VIDATT routine from Newword 2.17, overlayed it on the Wordstar 4.0 VIDATT routine, changed the jump addresses, saved it to disk and that was it. Wordstar 4.0 now has the same beautiful display that Newword did. Overlay the following code starting at address 03C0 and ending at address 041F.

03C0:   C9 21 F4 03  CD 83 02 79  E6 33 CA DB  03 A9 E6 BF
03D0: 4F 3A 41 04 B7 3E 40 CA DB 03 AF B1 4F E6 40 06
03E0: 30 C2 E6 03 06 32 79 E6 08 CA ED 03 04 79 E6 04
03F0: B0 C3 80 02 03 1B 47 00 C0 03 C3 03 C8 3E 01 C9
0400: 1B 29 03 1B 47 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0410: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00