CFOG's PIP, July 1987, Volume 5 No. 9, Whole No. 57, page 9


June 16 Board Meeting: The Triton contract is being checked. Dave Jacobsohn takes over membership from Cedric Chernick. Treasury is about $4200. FOG is sending out rebate check and next 84 MS-DOS disks. PIP for June and July will be late as Ben works on PC-File 80. We will attempt to dispose of the Televideo equipment since Bill K. no longer has the time to work on this project. SIGs (special interest groups) will be encouraged. Ben Cohen and Jon Shimberg are starting a CP/M Kaypro SIG.

July 14 Board Meeting: Foghorn has not given proper credits for PIP articles reprinted there. CFOG I is dead. Recent uploads were lost. CFOG II will become CP/M only board; a new board, called CFOG III will be for MS-DOS only. The 11 Mb hard disk from Cedric Chernick will go to Mike Andrews as disk librarian. Mike's 23 Mb hard disk will supplement the MS-DOS system. CFOG II might have limited access to CP/M for non-members, as was done in the past. There will be a drone on CFOG I for a few months simply to answer and give a message that the system has been 'retired'. A mailing will be sent to former members to solicit their rejoining. Volunteers are needed to work on a membership survey. Next board meeting August 18, Tuesday, 6 p.m., Ben Cohen's office, 55 West Monroe #2400, Ieave message at 726- 3569 if you intend to come.