CFOG's PIP, July 1987, Volume 5 No. 9, Whole No. 57, page 7

Is anyone in CFOG using the SB180?

by Kevin P. Murphy

Recently, I have noticed a number of ads for Micromint's SB180 series of Hitachi-based super microcomputers. I responded to one such ad and received a lot of information, some it more technical than my limited knowledge can handle. However, it seemed to me that the computer can be ordered with enclosure and disk drives, but I can not determine from the literature anything about keyboards and monitors that might be used with the computer. I wrote to Micromint for that information and they responded with a more extensive catalog but, alas, that catalog did not answer my questions about keyboard and monitor possibilities.

The Micromint single board computer is compatible with CP/M and runs ZCPR3, and sounds like a terrific new computer possibility for CP/M users who don't want to go over to the MS-DOS universe.

I think that it would be interesting to learn if any CFOG members have started using the SB180 and, if so, it would be helpful if they were to write about their experiences with it.

[Kevin, you might try contacting Don Castella at Disks Plus in Prarie View, 312-537-7888. Don puts together SB180 systems, Little Board systems, and other CP/M systems. You might also want to get on the Lillipute Z-Node at 312-649-1730. A number of SB180 users call the Lillipute Z-Node 'home'. -- bhc]