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- Geschrieben von Super User
- Hauptkategorie: Magazines
- Kategorie: CFOG's PIP
- Veröffentlicht: 30. November 1987
- Zugriffe: 27779
CFOG's PIP, April 1990, Volume 9 No. 2, Whole No. 74, page 11
Cohen Resigns! PIP Needs Editor! PIP to be Replaced If There is No Volunteer
The CFOG Board and Members' meeting on Thursday March 28th, was a momentous one: PIP editor Ben Cohen announced that because of additional obligations as a result of his assumption of the post of Executive Editor of the Law Office Technology Review it would no longer be possible for him to edit PIP. Based upon prior experience (and the lack of any response at the meeting), it was the judgement of the Board that it was unlikely that we would find another editor.
[This is your one opportunity to become Editor of PIP. The privileges are that you get to receive and read lots of exchange newsletters, to edit material submitted by members (if any), to write some stuff yourself, and to edit the newsletter. Any volunteers should call Ben Cohen (312-726-3555, days; 708-965-8144 some evenings). If nobody calls by April 30, the contingency plan indicated below will be put into effect.]
Ben was asked whether it might be possible to substitute another user group's newsletter. Ben suggested that Toggle, the monthly newsletter for the Tacoma-Seattle Area CP/M and MS-DOS Microcomputer Users, comprising the Tacoma Open Group for Microcomputers and the Seattle Osborne Users Group / Executive SIG, was one of the best among those groups which supported both CP/M and MS-DOS.
The Board authorized Ben to negotiate with the Toggle groups for an arrangement under which CFOG members would receive Toggle on a regular basis, with the President and the Treasurer to make the final determination as to whether the arrangement was acceptable. CFOG members would also receive notices of CFOG meetings and CFOG news either with Toggle or separately.
Sysop Carson Wilson reported that the 20 Mb hard drive on the RCPM was making noises. After some discussion about whether to have one of the old hard drives rebuilt or buy a new one Bill Kuykendall offered to donate a 20 Mb Seagate drive that he has used but little. In exchange Bill asked that he be given leave to dispose of the Televideo equipment. New member Barry Fuerst indicated some interest in the equipment. This was agreed to.
Bill Kuykendall resigned from the CFOG Board. In appreciation of the efforts that Bill put in as sysop and president of CFOG, Bill was made an honorary member.
Mike Andrews raised the question severing our relationship with Fog. Ben and Bill K. both noted that the relationship, while rocky at times, has cost us essentially nothing and has had some benefits. No action was taken.
Secretary Pam Brace confirmed the next Sunday meeting date of May 20th at the Skokie Public Library. The next Board and members downtown meeting was set for Thursday, June 28th.
Regular Sunday meetings are now held in February, May, September and November. Regular Thursday evening downtown meetings are held in March, June, October, and December.
In the event that there is no volunteer to step forward and becom Editor of PIP, starting in May or June you will receive a monthly newsletter, Toggle, from the Seattle-Tacoma group. Articles for Toggle may be submitted by mailing them (please submit on disk, and write the disk format on the disk, please!) to the editor, Bob Thomson, 1808 Lenore Drive, Tacoma, WA 89406, by uploading to the Toggle Bulletin Board, 206-759-7298 (2400 bps, 8-1-N, 24 hours), by uploading to the CFOG bulletin board (Antelope Freeway Remote Access System, 312-764-5162 -- leave a note for Benjamin Cohen that this is for Toggle and I'll grab it and upload it to the Toggle Bulletin Board). If you forget where to send it you can always just send it to the CFOG post office box.
CFOG's PIP, April 1990, Volume 9 No. 2, Whole No. 74, page 11
CFOG Sunday Meeting May 20, CFOG Thursday Meeting June 28
The second quarterly Sunday meeting of 1990 will be held on May 20 commencing at 1:00 p.m. at the Skokie Public Library, 5215 Oakton Street, Skokie, and continuing until everybody has left or 5:00 p.m. when the Library closes.
The next quarterly downtown meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 28th at 6 p.m. Details, 312-726-3569.