CFOG's PIP, October 1988, Volume 7 No. 5, Whole No. 67, page 81

CP/M Library Update

The disks in the CP/M library have been renumbered. Don't worry, the labels will still reflect the old numbers, too. An updated (and corrected) MAST.CAT sbould be available at the next meeting. A few disks are missing from the Sunday meeting set: if you inadvertently took one home, please return it.

Older disks are listed at the CAT-A.DOC and CAT-B.DOC that Glen Ostgaard created when he was disk librarian. We need someone (1) to update the CAT-A and CAT-B docs by adding the new disk numbers and (2) to make a similar set of documents for the newer disks. It's not terribly difficult, though time consuming. SD will make a disk file listing the files on each disk (including the members of LBR files). A quick search and replace of the separator between files with a <cr> puts the list into the desired format. All that's needed is to write a few words about what each program does. This is an educational opportunity for someone who would like to put a little back into CFOG: you'll have custody of a complete set of the library, and you will learn more about the files than most members will ever know. Volunteers, contact Rand Gerald at a meeting or leave a message on our 24 hour answering machine (726-3569).