###   Projekte und Informationen rund um den KC85   ### 


"KCNet" CP/M sources 2016/08 Beliebt

Last version of the "KCNet" software package with the assembler-sources for CP/M. It contains the network programs for a "KCNet" interface, read included "KCN_DESC.TXT":

  • CPMNET - interface test
  • NCFG - network configuration
  • PING - ICMP Client and Server
  • TFTP - TFTP Client and Server
  • WOL - WakeOnLan Client
  • NTIME - SNTPv4 Client
  • FTP - "full featured" FTP Terminal-client
  • NPRINT - print Client for JetDirect print Server

Requirements for the translation:

  • MS-Assembler M80.COM, DR-Linker LINK131.COM or MS-Linker L80.COM
  • Library SYSLIB.REL (the SYSLIB's are available at Hal Bower's Home Page, look at CP/M-Links)

The translation can be carried out with the help of SUBMIT.COM and one of the two sub-files.

Erstelldatum 02-08-2016
Änderungsdatum 02-08-2016
Dateigröße 191.5 KB
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